Debunking 9 Myths about Modern Slavery
Like most things, slavery is often portrayed as cliches. Heavy chains. Shackles. Hands tied with thick rope. Cages. Metal bars. While some of these have been true, the reality of modern slavery is much more varied.
These myths or common misconceptions about slavery can be harmful. Without recognising slavery and its nuance, it's difficult for us to fight the realities of modern slavery.
So let’s debunk nine of the most common myths about slavery.
MYTH #1: Slavery no longer exists
MYTH #2: Modern slavery happens only in developing countries, not in Australia.
MYTH #3: Modern slavery is mostly in sectors like sex trafficking.
FACT: Australia’s biggest touchpoint with modern slavery is in the products we import. Imported electronics, garments, solar panels, textiles and seafood are at risk of being produced with modern slavery. We import AU$26 billion worth of products at risk of modern slavery.
MYTH #4: Modern slavery doesn’t impact me
FACT: Modern slavery can be in the food we eat (chocolate, seafood, fresh and canned produce for starters) the clothes we wear, the mobile phones and computers we use and the cars we drive and buildings we work and live in. This means modern slavery impacts the lives of all Australians.
MYTH #5: Modern slavery only impacts poverty stricken, unskilled, desperate people.
FACT: It's undeniable that poverty plays a significant role in fueling modern slavery. However, there's a concerning trend emerging where ambitious individuals, striving for a better future for themselves and their families, are falling victim to modern slavery. A disturbing example is the trafficking of university graduates into scam centers, where they are coerced into using their technical skills to scam money out of people like you and me.
MYTH #6: There’s no chains or barbed wires keeping victims of modern slavery trapped. Surely they can leave if they want to?
FACT: People caught in modern slavery are tricked, coerced and threatened with violence against them and their families. Their identity papers may have been seized so they can’t leave. Others are tricked into accruing large debts. In the case of children they may not know where they are or where their home is.
MYTH #7: The problem is overwhelming! It can’t be solved.
FACT: It’s true that modern slavery is complex and invasive. It is what we call a wicked problem, full of deeply entrenched complex systemic inequalities. It’s not impossible to solve, but we need to tackle it together; as government, civil society, business and individuals.
MYTH #8: There’s nothing I can do about Modern Slavery
FACT: Everyone has a crucial role to play in helping end modern slavery! We value human life and human dignity and the right for everyone to be free. So we all have a responsibility to put those values into practice in the way we care for others. We can do this by supporting companies that are addressing modern slavery. We can advocate to government.
If that sounds complicated, that’s why we’re here. We do the deep work to connect you to the information, resources and opportunities to act and ‘be slavery free’. Subscribe to our email list to get ways to act on modern slavery straight to your inbox.
MYTH #9: Charities working to end modern slavery are well funded by donations and the Government
FACT: You might hear of wealthy people making big donations but this is usually to their own programs and charities. The Australian Government’s latest funding was for $2.73 million provided over two years to thirteen organisations. An average of $100,000 a year each. Be Slavery Free received $120,000 5 years ago from the Australian Government.
We rely on membership from civil society and business, some grants for specific projects and consulting work. But mostly we rely on donations from every day Australians like you.
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