Our key value underlying all our work is collaboration.
Modern slavery is not going to be solved by a single heroic act, organisation or person. Modern slavery is a crime that is perpetuated in systemic failures and that requires systemic solutions. We believe the best way to bring systemic change is together.
Be Slavery Free invests time and energy to work in collaboration with other civil society organisations, business, and governments to bring lasting change.
June 23, 2022
We join over 100 civil society organisations in asking #G7 leaders to adopt & enforce import control mechanisms. With the #UFLPA now in effect, we urge leaders to ensure other markets do not become dumping grounds for goods made with #Uyghurforcedlabour.
Anti-Trafficking Leaders Call on G7 to Address Forced Labor
June 13, 2022
Be Slavery Free, along with a coalition of 20 other human trafficking survivors, advocates, researchers and anti-trafficking leaders sent a letter to the G7 today urging them to take specific action on forced and child labor at the G7 Summit taking place June 26-28 in Germany. Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine has forced millions of people, mostly women and children, to flee their homes and become vulnerable to exploitation, making it more important than ever for G7 leaders to take action against forced labor around the world.
Letter to President Biden
May 12, 2022
We joined with 64 other civil society organisations in this letter to President Biden expressing our serious concerns regarding Thailand’s Draft Act on the Operations of Not-for-Profit Organisations. The passage of this law would systematically violate the rights to freedom of association and freedom of expression of non-profit groups.
Be Slavery Free’s partners and collaborators working to alleviate the forced labour and modern slavery issues especially in the Thai Fishing Industry would be adversely affected, and we join with them in raising our concerns.
Open letter calling for stronger measures in the online safety act to protect children from sexual abuse or exploitation
September 4, 2024
We joined forced with a group of Australian-based organisations to advocate for stronger protections from online sexual exploitation and abuse of children, coinciding with the review of the Online Safety Act.