Trick or Treat

What’s Really In Your Halloween Chocolate?

Halloween is all about indulging in treats, but what if we told you there’s a hidden trick behind many of the chocolates we enjoy? Beneath the wrappers, millions of farmers and children are facing the bitter realities of poverty in the cocoa growing industry. We aim to expose the reality of cocoa production — and show you how to be part of the solution.

The Rising Interest in Halloween in Australia

Halloween is becoming an increasingly popular celebration in Australia, with one in five Aussies planning to get into the Halloween spirit this year. In 2024, Australians are set to spend an estimated $450 million on costumes, decorations, and, of course, sweet treats. Although this spending is slightly down from last year, the growing interest in Halloween is providing a welcome boost to retailers across the country, particularly in food, clothing, and home goods. As Halloween becomes more significant in Australian culture, it’s crucial that we look beyond the festive decorations and focus on the stories hidden behind our favourite treats—stories of exploitation, poverty, and injustice in the cocoa industry.

The Trick: The Hidden Cost of Your Chocolate

Behind the shiny wrappers and fun-size bars lies a much harsher reality. The farmers who cultivate the cocoa for the chocolate we enjoy, are often trapped in a cycle of poverty, earning far less than a living income for their hard work. Despite being the backbone of the cocoa industry, these farmers face dangerous working conditions, exposure to harmful pesticides, and do not earn a living income. While global chocolate companies make billions in profits, the very people responsible for cocoa production struggle for survival. Tragically, it’s not only the farmers who suffer—over 1.56 million children in West Africa are forced to work alongside them, missing out on the education and childhood every child deserves. For both farmers and children, chocolate comes with a heavy and bitter cost.

The Treat: A Vision for Better Chocolate

This is unacceptable. We believe in a future where chocolate is truly for everyone involved, from the farmers who cultivate the cocoa to the children who should be in classrooms, not working in the fields. Imagine a world where the production of chocolate is a source of empowerment - where farmers are paid living or decent incomes that enable them to provide for their families, build better futures, and break the cycle of poverty. In this vision, cocoa is grown with practices that not only protect the environment but also strengthen the communities who depend on it. This isn't just an idealistic dream - this future is within reach, and you have the power to help make it a reality. By holding the chocolate industry accountable, we can transform these visions into lasting change.

The Action: How You Can Make a Difference

This Halloween, you have the power to turn the trick of exploitation into the treat of better chocolate. By making informed decisions, you can support better chocolate production and contribute to positive change. Start by using the Chocolate Scorecard, a comprehensive tool that ranks chocolate companies based on their commitment to living income and better cocoa production. It’s your guide to knowing which brands are taking real steps toward improving the industry. Then, choose to support those better brands - your purchases this Halloween can directly help companies that are fighting to lift cocoa farmers out of poverty and end child labour. Lastly, stay informed by signing up for our newsletter. It’s a way to learn more about how your everyday chocolate choices can make a difference, helping to create a world where every bite of chocolate is a step toward = sustainability for all.