Domestic Servitude
Domestic servitude has occurred when a person is being held in a house or other domestic environment and is forced to work unusual or excessive hours.
Does the person rarely leave the house?
Is the person always accompanied by their employer or partner?
Is the person made to work unusual and/or excessive hours in a domestic environment?
Are the person’s physical needs not being met? For example, poor diet, inadequate health care or make-shift sleeping arrangements.
Watch Sandra’s story here.
Read more about a Melbourne couple who kept a grandmother as slave for eight years.

If you or a person you know is in immediate danger, call 000.
You can call the Australian Federal Police Human Trafficking Team on 131AFP (131237) or email
The Salvation Army operates Australia’s only Safe House for persons who have experienced trafficking & slavery in Australia. Contact the Safe House on 1300 473 560
Anti-Slavery Australia provides free, confidential legal advice and referrals. You can call them on (02) 9514 9660 or go to their website here.