Know the signs

Human trafficking and slavery occurs here in Australia.

Australia is a destination country for people who have been trafficked. In Australia, human trafficking leads to exploitation in a number of forms including sexual exploitation, forced labour, visa exploitation, forced marriage and domestic servitude. Each of these is characterised by deception, coercion, force, threat and abuse, and each is an issue of human rights and in many cases, child protection and gender inequality.  

We call these types of exploitation modern slavery. In Australia, they are punishable under the Criminal Code Act (1995)

Significant signs of trafficking include:

  • poor self esteem

  • deception & coercion

  • controlled by others

  • threats against their family

  • no or very limited access to their legal documents

  • no medical care

  • serious debt

  • distrustful of authorities

  • limited social contact

 If you or a person you know is in immediate danger, call 000. 

You can call the Australian Federal Police Human Trafficking Team on 131 AFP (131 237) or email

The Salvation Army operates Australia’s only Safe House for persons who have experienced trafficking & slavery in Australia. Contact the Safe House on 1300 473 560

Red Cross Support for Trafficked People Program by calling 03 9345 1800 or email

Anti-Slavery Australia provides free, confidential legal advice and referrals. You can call them on (02) 9514 9660 or go to their website here.