Be Slavery Free presents SLAVERY UNRAVELLED

Conversations on being slavery free

We have more enslaved people in the world now than in any other point of history!

How do you get to understand modern slavery and more importantly - what can you do about it. It's a shared responsibility and everybody has a role. Get to understand what it is and what your role could be.

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Interview with a journalist
Fuzz Kitto Fuzz Kitto

Interview with a journalist

In this episode, Fuzz Kitto interviews Matt, an Australian investigative journalist in Asia, who has interviewed and written dozens of stories on modern slavery. They discuss Matt’s personal journey and grown in understanding modern slavery and how it has impacted and changed his perspective on the challenging issue of modern slavery.

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Prevention by Civil Society & Consumers
Fuzz Kitto Fuzz Kitto

Prevention by Civil Society & Consumers

In this episode, Fuzz Kitto discusses the critical role of consumers and civil society in the prevention of modern slavery. He emphasises the power of consumer choices, highlighting the importance of ethical purchasing to combat slavery.

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Prevention by Government
Fuzz Kitto Fuzz Kitto

Prevention by Government

In this episode, Fuzz Kitto delves into the role of governments in preventing modern slavery, citing key legislations worldwide, including the Californian Transparency in Supply Chain Act, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and the Australian Modern Slavery Act.

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Is prevention better than cure in modern slavery?
Fuzz Kitto Fuzz Kitto

Is prevention better than cure in modern slavery?

In this episode, Fuzz Kitto delves into the fascinating divide between those who focus on service delivery in areas like rescue, aftercare, and remediation, often working with individuals, and those who concentrate on prevention through systemic change, education, and broader approaches.

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Slavery as a Wicked Problem
Fuzz Kitto Fuzz Kitto

Slavery as a Wicked Problem

In this episode, Fuzz Kitto discusses the complexities of modern slavery. He emphasises that modern slavery is a wicked problem, characterised by its intricate and interconnected nature.

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